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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Techy Tuesday - Does your Lock button not work on your iPhone, or is it stuck?

     My friend came to me with the question of do you know how to lock my phone, cause I think my lock button is broke. Her lock button is stuck, it feels like there may be something stuck in there, a piece of sand maybe. I wasn't aware there was another way to lock your iPhone. She said seen someone else that had the same problem and wasn't sure if it was a app or what but they were able to lock their screen and use other functions without needing that button. So of course we turned to Google     - Google= How do you lock your iPhone without your lock button. & here's what we found and the answer to our solution! So if you ever, for whatever reason, your lock button is jammed or not working and you don't have the money for a new phone or the upgrade, here's a fix for you!

iPhone Lock Button Broke? Click HERE

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