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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year, New You!! - NOT Resolutions, Lifestyle Changes!

     New Years Resolutions-- yeh they never stick... you know that Diet you start will last till Valentines day when your baking the treats for the school Valentines Day Party or actually around here it would be until Mardi Gras when I start making some King Cake!!! mmMMmmm I can taste it already! I hear a lot of people saying, "I'm not going to make a Resolution because I never stick to them!"  Lets all admit the only reason we never stick to those Resolutions is because we are choosing not to! Your not setting yourself up to fail when you set resolutions unless that is what you expect yourself to do. Last year was the first year I choose to make Lifestyle Changes. I consider these to be things you already do in your normal day to day life, but need to possibly do more, or try harder at. If you already work out and are eating healthy make a lifestyle change that works with that. We always try to have a movie night and/or board game night with the kids. Last year I made it a goal of ours to make a specific designated day for us to do those, and Tuesday became Family Movie Night and Thursday Family Game Night! I plan to of course continue our Lifestyle Change into 2013 but maybe changing the days up, we'll see. I think that deciding at the beginning of the new year to set some goals up for your self is always beneficial and gives you something to strive for! Your never to old to dream, and we all have dreams and wants. In order to get everything you want in life you have to work hard! What are some lifestyle changes you would like to make?

This year of 2013 I want to continue some Lifestyle Changes that I began in 2012 and add some new ones to the list! This year I want to:
*Continue our Family Time- we are a very close family and make it a high priority to spend time together. I want to continue our Family movie and game night. I want to also plan that once a month we do something extra also Movies, Zoo, Water park, etc. Starting off we have family coming in at the end of January, then February will be here and it will be time for Disney, just to start the year off! :)
* Stay Organized- I'm already a very organized person, and even though I love surprises, I much rather have everything planned and know about it. This year I want to make sure that I stay organized, stay on a budget ( because this year we have done amazing by doing a budget and STICKING TO IT!) Our life seems to flow so much easier if everything is planned and everyone is on the same page.
*Continue to Eat Healthier & Stay on Fitness Track!- Last year I set this as an absolute MUST and made it a priority to focus on and was Successful.. I didn't want to do the whole "diet" thing I just want to eat healthier and eat the recommended amount for myself a day and work out. I did just that, continued to eat what I wanted, but looked for healthier ways to make those foods, and worked out! That is the most important! The family and I got even more active and I did separate workouts myself. Sad to say since the holidays things haven't been so Healthy... so I plan to restart focusing on this and continuing it as well!
* I want to focus on my business and build it! New ideas, new products, and build it bigger so its exactly what I have always dreamed for it to be. Now a days everyone wants to be there own boss and think, that it is so grand but it is HARD work and if you are not willing to put in the time, long hours, and nights, then you aren't prepared to be a business owner. I've always been willing to do that but with your children I found it hard to spread all my time out. Both my children are in school now and our schedules all flow well. So I want to add some time each day to focus directly on my business and making 2013 the best year for it!
* Read a Book a Month!!! -- this is for me and me only! I love to read, but last year found that I had not got through a whole book (other then bedtime stories) in the whole year of 2011, so I added this to my lifestyle changes list last year and found that it was wonderful to sit down and enjoy myself and just relax with a good book! I will never change this one!  
*(last but not least) I want to stay positive and focused in all that we do, and not get dragged down by the things and people that do not matter. Life is to short to waste any of it on things that do not matter.

     I think 2013 is going to be an amazing year and this year think of your resolutions as Lifestyle changes and set your mind that you will not fail because your really only failing, because you made the decision to fail!

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